November 28, 2008

happy turkey day

Posted in Life, Uncategorized at 1:16 am by nortonsm

hand turkeyHappy Thanksgiving!! I’ll be seriously missing out on pumkin pie, home made stuffing, peas, gravy, and all the trimmings. yumm…

November 27, 2008

Rockin it

Posted in Uncategorized, Wedding stuff! at 2:39 am by nortonsm


The rock...

Here’s the amazing diamond, now I just have to design a ring! Exciting but also a bit nervous about something that’s going to be on my hand for the rest of my life.

November 26, 2008


Posted in Uncategorized, Wedding stuff! at 3:52 am by nortonsm

The first day of being engaged!

The first day of being engaged!

Well I guess this is a good place to start fresh with a new blog… starting a new chapter of my life. It actually does feel a bit different now that Mike and I are engaged, in the best way possible.

Ok so here’s how it happened.

I organized a weekend away for Mike and I up in Noosa which is in tropical Queensland. I had heard that it was really beautiful but I wasn’t expecting it to be as nice as it was. Noosa is like a little haven of good food, wine, and shops condensed into one tiny area with miles and miles and miles of unspoiled national park all around. From the tip of the headland you could barely see any buildings, certainly no tall ones anyway.

To set the scene for you, it was our second day up there and it was already an amazing day leading up to the big event:

Fun morning surf with clean offshore wind and 1-2 foot waves, perfect for me.

Relaxing coffee at a cute cafe

Gorgeous 6km walk around the headland – lush rainforests with little carribbean-esque beaches

Swim at desterted beach in bath water temperature crystal turquoise water

Menacing clouds that made us decide to pack up and trek back

Thunderstorm that caught us walking through the woods in our bathers

Koala-spotting! A real live awake one in a tree!

And then dinner…

When we went out to dinner, mike made a call and found out the best place in town. So away we went and boy was it the local fave! We waited over an hour for them to squeeze us in which was fine b/c we were enjoying having a cocktail at the bar. The first clue that I missed was that mike ordered himself a vodka drink – some liquid courage. The second clue that zoomed overhead was when we went through my phone picking out all the contacts that he wanted including my parents’ numbers cleverly mixed in with other friends’.

img_0081_the_spotAfter an amazing dinner, I missed the third clue which was his disappearing for a long time after grabbing his phone form my purse. “Did you make a phone call?” I said when he came back. “Oh I just checked my messages and went to the bathroom.” He thought he had blown it then but i was still completely unsuspecting.

We took a walk on the beach and found a lovely little bench to stop at. It was all so romantic but the increased level of hand-holding and general oohing and cooing wasn’t anything unusual.

Then he said “Do you know what’s in my pocket?” “Your phone?” And then it happened – the moment that has kept playing in my head over and over again. When he moved from sitting next to me to kneeling in front of me. He told me a bunch of amazing poetic things and asked me to marry him! He put a ring on my finger and explained it was a play ring and that he wanted me to be able design my own ring. Brilliant!

He had one more surprise for me back at the hotel room. He actually had already bought a DIAMOND for me for my ring. I guess I had never really looked at a diamond like that up close and it was stunning. The hardest thing in nature as a symbol of our ever-lasting love!

Oh – one funny detail was when a group of teenage boys passed by while mike was on his knees. One of them fell down in the sand right behind mike and passed out! One of his mated helped him up and they walked away but it would have been a bit of a moment-killer if mike has to give some unruly kid CPR.

CPR or no CPR it was the most amazing night of my life and I still can’t believe I found the most incredible, respectful, creative, personable, fun-loving, thoughtful partner ever. ♥  ♥

New blog!

Posted in Life, Uncategorized at 3:46 am by nortonsm

In case you hadn’t noticed, the old Spicybroccoli Down Under blog is officially broken. Now I know you’re thinking, it’s a simple blog website, how can it be broken? Some things in life just don’t have answers and why I can’t log in anymore to that stupid thing is one of them. As a creative, quick, think-on-my-feet kind of person, it only took me about 3 weeks to start a new one. So voila, here ya go folks – a brand spankin shiny new blog! Start pouring the champers all around…