March 22, 2009

Or I could write

Posted in Uncategorized at 9:31 pm by nortonsm

two feets

two feets

What do I write after you haven’t written in a while? Maybe I could write about my business soft launching but if I do then my blog will rank on google search.

I could write about how busy I am with all my freelance projects that I’ve been busy with. But I make a point not to blog about work stuff because I think it’s bad form.When I have employees I would appreciate if they didn’t blog about professional stuff. What I can say without naming names that I’m working on some amazing new projects and have just gotten another contract through June. I’ll be doing little books helping kids learn to read. And because the books are translated for emerging markets, little kids all over the world in many different languages will see my design when we trick them into reading with fun pictures and graphics. Doesn’t’ that just make you feel warm and fuzzy?

Or I could write about how even though I’ve been super busy I’ve still been resolute about surfing as much as possible and running or doing pilates 3-4 times a week. Unlike running which anyone with two feet and a heartbeat can do, I am still a kook at surfing but I love it. I can say without hesitation that I have finally make a small upward stride past the frustratingly long lull I call my “Just happy to get wet” phase. This morning I went for a surf and soft sand run with Stringles (one of Mike’s best mates).  And even though it was Sunday morning and any dooley with two feet and a heartbeat grabbed a plank of fibreglass and were in the water with me, I managed to not run over anyone and not get tun over.

Or I could write about how excited I am getting married to the most amazing guy in the world in a short 6 months!

March 10, 2009

Algonkian Park September 26, 2009

Posted in Wedding stuff! at 8:10 am by nortonsm

We have a venue and a date!! This blog is long overdue.

Date: Saturday Sept 26th

Reception Room

Reception Room

Place: Algonkian Regional Park,
Reception: Algonkian Events Center:
It’s a brand new building that all my parents think is just perfect. It’s nice, modern, clean, accessible, and close enough to DC. And one of the best features are the cottages in the park along the river to stay at to avoid transport issues.

Accomo: We wanted to do something a bit special for the week leading up to the wedding so it’s not just everything on one day, especially for the travelers making the journey from Oz, woohoo! We have reserved cottages on the river in Algonkian Park. The cottages have boat ramps for boating, fishing, they’re right on a golf course (including mini golf!), and right off Route 7 so it’ll be easy to scoot into DC for some urban action as well. All the cabins have big decks and BBQs, fireplaces, full kitchens, and some have hot tubs.  We’ve already organized kayaks that we can take along the river. And dad said you could pretty much cast a fishing line from the deck, ladies I know you’re pumped about that.

I think it seems like a perfect setting and it will be beautiful in late summer.

March 8, 2009


Posted in Uncategorized at 9:14 am by nortonsm

Yesterday was my first official day of wedding dress shopping. Franziska and I went into the city and did some looking around and it wasn’t as scary as I thought it was going to be 🙂 We tried a couple on and then it was really weird!! We looked like real brides!! One we both loved and tried on was raw silk and scrunchy at the bottom almost looking like paper, very simple but gorgeous.

After seeing my Mom’s wedding dresses that she sent I realize how much the styles have changed. I don’t remember seeing a single dress in the shops that had sleeves. A few have light straps of some sort but even straps are pretty rare.

My challenge with the dress to use the beautiful fabrics Mom and Brenda have sent me (which are different colors of course)  in an interesting, unique, and flattering dress design. Another hurdle will be to find a dressmaker who doesn’t laugh at a 6 month deadline.