December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve Party Waves

Posted in Uncategorized at 12:51 am by nortonsm


A “party wave” is when you ride a wave and one or more of your friends rides it with you. Ususally that’s called dropping in on someone and is one of the rules never to do. But when it’s consensus with your friends it’s ok.

When I went down to the beach this morning it was almost completely flat and we were contemplating whether we should go out. The concensus was to go out for 1/2 hour and just have a little paddle and a laugh and then get a coffee at the Grille. But when we got out there, it ended up being one of the most fun surfs I can remember! Because it was so small and clean, every wave was a party wave. There was about 5 of my girlfriends plus mike and a couple other instrustors and it was epic. The boys were jumping on each other’s boards, going tandem, and just being complete grommits. Someone would paddle for a wave and yell “christmas party wave..” and get everyone else to join in. So much fun. All we needed was santa hats to complete the scene.

December 22, 2008

The ring!!

Posted in Uncategorized at 9:30 pm by nortonsm

Knife edge beauty

Knife edge beauty

here it is!!


Posted in Uncategorized at 12:29 am by nortonsm

I just talked to Walter (my jeweller) and I can go pick up my ring now!!! woo hoo!!!

December 20, 2008

girly beachy brekky

Posted in Uncategorized at 3:50 am by nortonsm

champagne brekky

champagne brekky

…is postponed 😦   It’s cloudy and windy and looks like it might rain out. So I had to txt all the girls and regretfully inform them that we’ll have to postpone the girly beachy brekky. Everyone was meant to bring friends, boards, snacks and supplies to have a bit of beachy fun before christmas. But it will have to wait.

So instead mike and I are going to the RTA and the dealer (again) to finalize (hopefully) the car registration. I have to apply for a customer number first since the RTA doesn’t know I exist yet. There’s something in my anti-establishment side that wants to resist… but it has to be done.

December 17, 2008


Posted in Life, Uncategorized at 9:33 am by nortonsm

Let it be known that I am not pro-generalizations. And maybe for every generalization there is a counter generalization that is equally biased and ungrounded. And that’s what I’m about to do here…

they dont even know each other!

they don't even know each other!

What is with boys and gratuitous wrestling? Twice last weekend I found myself embarrassed to be in the company of sweaty grunting modern day cavemen. Once at a friends’ gig and once on the beach at the Lilo party (in broad daylight no less!) skirmishes of 20- / 30-somethings broke out of playfully(?) beating each other up. It’s definitely a boy thing and I definitely don’t  get it. And  If I’m watching and asking myself “I wonder if he can breathe?” there’s something not quite right. Then again, along the same lines, I don’t get boxing. They don’t even know each other!

its just what we do

it's just what we do

So in counter-generalization, maybe it’s like women and shoe/jewelry shopping depending on preference. No matter how impractical or untimely it it we always [that is a key work in generalizations] “just have to have a quick look”. Even if it’s just a quick sideways glace while keeping pace into work, or the pause  – which obviously doesn’t’ technically count – or the grauitous, full-blown, snacks in the purse shopping trip, it’s just part of what we do. We can’t help it and don’t necessarily see anything wrong with it. Boys just need to expend some energy and girls just need to scope out the options. There, flawless generalizations.

December 15, 2008

6.45 drilling

Posted in Uncategorized at 9:07 pm by nortonsm

The neighbor downstairs is getting her bathroom redone and we got a nice 6.45 wake up to drilling this morning. Mike had to go to work anyway but my first plan is going for a surf with gemma at 9.30. Oh well.. I’ll catch up on some stuff and maybe do pilates before heading out.

On the agenda today: some Taylor family xmas shopping in the city while I drop off my diamond to Walter the Jeweler. I’ve had the weekend to think about the ring and talk about it and I’m so excited about it! As lizard said, it’s a twist on the traditional with the knife edge but still beautiful and timeless. I can’t wait to get it!!!

On the job front, I’ve been freelancing for 3 years now successfully and I do have the 1-2 day a week contract with Weldon Owen through April but honestly I’m getting a teenie bit scared hearing about all the people getting laid off. None of my close friends have been ‘made redundant’ yet but i’ve certainly heard of plenty of people who have and it’s on everyone’s mind. On the other hand, xmas time is always slow for design/marketing stuff so i’m hoping it’ll pick up in January. I’m hoping MyWearWeather will pick up then as well. At least then I’d be busy.

Time to subject the neighbors to a wild woman jumping around the living room…

December 14, 2008

A weekend of firsts….

Posted in Uncategorized at 9:40 pm by nortonsm

12 total Kms (7.5 miles) clocked

12 total Kms (7.5 miles) clocked

1 Driving our brand new Mazda2

A manual! Mike gave me a driving refresher on saturday. So I have to remember which side to get in the car (right), which hand to shift with (left), which side of the road to drive on (left), and which way to look at intersections and roundabouts (right). BTW the car is fantastic – i love it!!! Cute, fuel efficient, 5 door, stylish, fits surfboards, tinted windows, cargo tray (for wet towels and suits), front and rear Panasonic sounds system, it’s gonna be a great little car!! Did I mention it’s really cute?

2 My first Lilo party

Well Mike and I were welll prepared with our Bob the Builder and Dora the explorer blow up mini-pools. Unfortunately it was a bit too windy on shelley beach for lilos and everyone just got blown back on to land, but it was fun nonetheless.

3 Making coffee for paying customers.

I stared working at the cafe again a couple nights last week and during a beautiful relaxing day on the beach with the girls, i got a call from the chef to come in that afternoon. “ok call me back if you’re desparate.” And two minutes later my afternoon and evening was booked to work at Honolulu Grille. What’s more is that I then got a call asking if I could make coffees. I have had a bit of practice on our little coffee machine at home but here I make one thing and one thing only: Lattes. So armed with my at-home latte experience, I was quickly trained on how to make every variety of espresso coffees. There are a lot of very subtle variations of coffee+milk+froth! And when I got there I realized when you’re on coffee duty it also entails all smoothies, fruit juices, cocktails, etc. I was also put in charge of closing – another first! I hope mike can get his coffee this morning and I didn’t ruin the machine somehow! 🙂

December 11, 2008

Nice ice

Posted in Uncategorized, Wedding stuff! at 10:48 am by nortonsm

Mike and I met with the jeweler tonight and have come up with a design that I love and I’m going to think about it for the weekend and get back to him on monday. It’s simple and classic and has a knife edge to give it a bit of funk. WHen I told him I wanted something unique and funky, he said everything has been done before. Well i don’t necessarily believe that but I do want something that will be timeless. This is what a knofe edge looks like:

knife edge

knife edge

But my diamond is square – princess cut, and i’m getting a couple more diamonds set on the outsides. It’s going to be beautiful! But I want to take the weekend to think it through and make sure that’s really really really what I want. Oh and the best part – if I tell him by monday I can get it by christmas! Wow – a new engagement, a new engagement ring, a new car, and a new microwave.. I better get back to work!

December 10, 2008


Posted in Uncategorized at 8:19 pm by nortonsm

We get to pick up the car!!! yay!! The only bad thing is that I’m freelancing at an ad agency all day, then the dinner shift at the cafe, and then seeing my friend’s band play. So driving it will have to wait till Sautrday. And Saturday afternoon there’s a huge xmas lilo (floatie pool toy) party at the beach and then the santa pub crawl. So saturday morning manual driving lessons it is!

December 9, 2008

Home gym

Posted in Uncategorized at 11:33 am by nortonsm

This is what my poor neighbors have to put up with nearly every morning – a loony bin jumping around carrying water bottle weights.


anda 5 anda 6 anda 7 and 8

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