July 29, 2009

Dress day for real

Posted in Uncategorized at 5:54 pm by nortonsm

My dress came today! Since it is a bit of a secret, I won’t divulge all the design details other than it is stunning!!

One issue, though, it doesn’t fit. RUH ROH!! My dress designer in Melbourne did a fantastic job but it’s just slightly too big. Ok, that’s an understatement. If I wore it as is I would probably scare small children but despite it not fitting (yet!) it is beautiful. My dear friend Franziska is going to Melbs this weekend and she offered to take it back down there after pinning it to size. But I think it would just be easier in person so I’ll either take a sneaky trip down there or Anna may be coming up to Sydney next month for a shoot.

Tonight I’m going over to Courtney’s with Franziska and Bec (who are all coming to the wedding — yay!!) to watch Project Runway and have the first round dress viewing…