March 8, 2009


Posted in Uncategorized at 9:14 am by nortonsm

Yesterday was my first official day of wedding dress shopping. Franziska and I went into the city and did some looking around and it wasn’t as scary as I thought it was going to be 🙂 We tried a couple on and then it was really weird!! We looked like real brides!! One we both loved and tried on was raw silk and scrunchy at the bottom almost looking like paper, very simple but gorgeous.

After seeing my Mom’s wedding dresses that she sent I realize how much the styles have changed. I don’t remember seeing a single dress in the shops that had sleeves. A few have light straps of some sort but even straps are pretty rare.

My challenge with the dress to use the beautiful fabrics Mom and Brenda have sent me (which are different colors of course)  in an interesting, unique, and flattering dress design. Another hurdle will be to find a dressmaker who doesn’t laugh at a 6 month deadline.

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