February 21, 2009

Engagement party

Posted in Uncategorized at 10:07 am by nortonsm


The party will be on this balcony

Today is engagement party day, YAY!!! We’re one coffee deep cooking away. I’m about to head out to pick up a few things and get some photos printed out. Stringles gave me 4 CDs of images yesterday that he had of mike and I and has beautifully edited, cropped, and truned them into black and white. Not exactly sure yet how I’m going to display them but I’ll think of something 🙂 I’ve recruited 3 girlfriends to help me set up the surf club at about 2. Dianne and the rest of the Newcastle family are coming at 4 so they can help with food setting up stuff, and then party starts at 6. Yay!!

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